health preparation for fall

Health Preparations for Fall


1.     Support your immune system

The best defense against cold and flu season is to support your immune system so it can do the job it has been assigned.  Our immune system and detoxification organs are designed to protect us from attack.  When we experience an increase in toxic burden, our immune system is weakened and leaves us susceptible.  The ultimate immune support is diet.   Eating a balanced diet that is free of toxins will support your vitality.  A balanced diet includes 6 cups of vegetables a day, a variety of foods, proteins that are chemical free such as grass-fed and grass-finished meats, pasture raised eggs and so on.  Reduce or eliminate processed foods, sugars, canned goods, and foods with preservatives.  You can use the links in the Indigo Flow Guide to discover your Ayurvedic Dosha and begin to understand the diet that is most appropriate for your individual nature.



I recommend purchasing supplements prior to August 21st for the fall season.  I recommend purchasing enough for two to three months so you are set for Fall.


Glutathione – Glutathione is our master antioxidant.  Oxidative stress creates challenges for our biological form to detoxify and to repair damage in the body.  Oxidative stress is caused by free radicals, EMF’s and other forms of toxic burden.  Glutathione can be taken as much as three times per day.  Take thirty minutes before exercise or a meal to maximize its effect on the body.

Zinc – Zinc is our number one defense against virus.  Zinc is an essential mineral that supports your immune system, your hormones, heart and more.  Zinc is best taken with copper and majority of zinc supplementation already has copper in it.  Review the label and do not take with copper if your copper levels in the body are high.  Take in the morning with breakfast.  Follow the labels dosage.

Tulsi/Holy Basil – Tulsi, also known as “holy basil,” is one of the most sacred plants in India. It removes excess kapha from the lungs and upper respiratory tract, promoting clear, comfortable breathing. Tulsi promotes healthy circulation and brings warmth and nourishment to the thoracic cavity including the lungs and heart.  Tulsi tea can be found in most food stores and online.  You can also get a tincture of Tulsi or caps through Banyan Botanicals.


Additional Supplementation
Vitamin D3 – 5000 iu’s/day

Vitamin C – 500 mg twice/day (natural vitamin C is ideal)


Email me at if you’d like me to send you a fullscript recommendation of your fall supplementation.


2.     Reduce Toxic Burden with a Cleanse

Fall is the perfect time for a cleanse.  I recommend a 7, 14, or 30-day cleanse in the month of September.  Dry brushing, self-massage with oil, and yoga are excellent practices to help move energy and toxins out of the body.  You can utilize the Indigo Flow Guide to Natural Detox which is free on my website for more information.


3.     Meet In Meditation

In the event that we experience power outages, disconnection of service, or simply feel disconnected energetically; go to the grid.  I have a meditation on YouTube that guides you through the process of connecting to the grid.  You can do this at any time to heal the planet and your Self.



4.     Other recommendations

Purity Coffee – I have been drinking Purity for 5 years now.  I found Purity when I was looking for a coffee that was mold free.  Purity has become a part of my daily supplement routine because of the high level of antioxidants in this coffee. Purity Coffee maximizes the amount of healthy CGAs in coffee to the perfect level. This organic, specialty grade coffee tests clean of pesticides and contaminants like kidney-damaging Ochratoxin A. Then the magic happens--Purity's scientifically designed roasting protocol hits the sweet spot where there are the most antioxidants and the fewest PAHs (harmful compounds that develop when coffee beans are scorched). The result is a delightful medium roast that is chock full of life-enriching antioxidants.  You can use code ENLIGHTENMENTPIE to save 10% off your order.





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