how to heal your nervous system

Our nervous system takes a beating.  We carry large amounts of stress.  We are surrounded by electronic devices, WiFi and EMF’s.  We go through more life change in this age.  We are likely to experience divorce, death of a loved one and other major changes before 40 years old.  Our environment is toxic.  We struggle to drink clean water and eat clean food.  

Does reading this create stress?

When our nervous system gets overloaded, we start to experience symptoms.  You may have pain or tingling in your hands or feet.   You can experience numbness or neuropathy in your limbs.  Waking up and finding your hand asleep can be a sign that your peripheral nerves are burdened.  You can experience zings of pain that come out of nowhere, ice pick pain, twitches, tingles or shaking.  Even feeling sensitive to noise or light is a reflection of the burden on our nervous system.  

How do you fix it?

I was exposed to toxic mold in 2011 and it shut down my body’s ability to eliminate toxins.  The toxin overload in my body burned out my peripheral nerves and I experienced neuropathy over 80% of my body.  I also had twitches at night when I tried to all asleep.  It was scary.  I looked to my holistic practice to find a way to heal my body.  I was able to fully recover all of my nerves within 90 days using the following protocol.

Ashwaghanda – This is an Ayurvedic herb and is also an adaptogen.  Ashwaghanda becomes what you need it to be in the body.  It also happens to be an herb that helps your nerves reach out and re-connect with one another.  I recommend Banyan Botanical’s Adrenal Nourish; one cap in the morning and one cap at night.
Brain Wave Therapy – There are hundreds of incredible meditations on YouTube that incorporate sound and brain waves in order to heal the nervous system.  I recommend listening to one for an hour at night before bed.
Yoga – Yoga is an incredible force when it comes to your nervous system.  I recommend practicing gentle yoga.  Child’s pose and Chakravakasana (cat-cow) are excellent postures to support your nervous system.
Meditation – Turn off the electronics.  Go out in nature.  Be still and breathe.  Deep breathing and mindfulness meditation slow down your nervous system and remove your brain and body from fight-and-flight.  If you can become quiet and still you will find relief even in the toughest symptoms.


Tongue Scraping


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