Raise Your Vibes with this Summer Intuitive Diet Guide

We are heading into Summer here in the U.S.  Solstice and Eclipse season are just around the corner.  As an Ayurveda practitioner, following the seasons is primary to maintaining a healthy balance in my body, mind and spirit.


The intense, fiery essence of Pitta is magnified in the Summer season.  Pitta constitution qualities are; inflammation, redness, passionate personality and drive.  Opposites bring balance.  In the Summer season you offset the heat by staying cool.  You can offset the intensity by practicing relaxation.  We bring balance to the fire (and some ether too) by grounding ourselves in nature.


Intuitive Summer Diet


What to eat:
Cool, fresh foods that are sweet, bitter, and astringent, fresh summer salads and fruits, honey, consciously raised goat and sheep milk and yogurt and cool herbal teas


If you eat animal products I recommend lightening up for the Summer.  Stick to fish, lean consciously raised and grass-fed poultry, and shellfish.


Iced beverages – the ice cold can disturb your digestive fire (enzymes), aged cheeses, vegetables that carry heat – such as peppers, garlic, ginger


Summer Activities to Raise Your Vibration


Exercise is an excellent way to raise your vibes.  Moving the body clears the lymphatic system, moves stuck energy out of your energy centers and meridians, and it helps bring your mind to stillness.  Avoid exercise between 10am and 2pm during the Summer.  This is Pitta time and will generate excess heat in the body.  Hatha Yoga is always recommended to bring balance to Pitta.  When the heat is turned up during Summer you can bring relaxation to the body and mind by practicing static postures and adding meditation into your Asana.


Abhiyangha or Self-Massage with Oil is also recommended in Summer.  This will calm your nervous system.  You can find the instructions for self-massage both in my blog and in my Indigo Flow Guide.


Summer Recommendations


1.     Research the fruits and vegetables that are locally grown and seasonal to the Summer.  Your body follows natural rhythms based on your location.  It is ideal to eat what is grown locally and seasonally.


2.     Cleanse!  Summer Solstice is a perfect time to do a cleanse.  Cleaning out your system in preparation for a change in season can re-set your body, mind, and spirit for the new season ahead.


3.     Gain perspective and set new goals.  With the quarantine lifting in parts of the U.S. and new awareness gained, taking some time to gain perspective is beneficial.  I recommend reviewing your journals from the Spring season and making some notes on what has changed.  Then set some new goals (full moon is Friday!) for the Summer season.



My Dream


Atlas and the Moon